A lively, educational family feature proudly published every week by community newspapers like yours.

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You have plenty of flexibility in how you purchase Newspaper Fun. The chart below shows your options based on your newspaper's or chain's total weekly circulation and subscription length.

You'll enjoy the best price when you subscribe and purchase 52 consecutive editions in advance. But you can also be a "drop in" client, using pages whenever it suits you, such as once a month or bi-weekly.

using PayPal or any major credit card.

Online subscriptions automatically renew near the end of the chosen period; you can cancel at any time with one click.

Using the page: Three simple steps

   1. Complete your purchase of a single page or subscription.

   2. Use your Subscriber ID and Password (which you choose when you sign up) on
        our home page to reach the Publisher Center.

   3. Download the feature in crisp PDF or JPG format.

Every week you have a choice of various page sizes (ranging from 10" × 15.5" down to 10" × 7.75"), so you can mix and match to fit your available space.

You may want to launch Newspaper Fun with a short accompanying article. To help you do this, we've prepared a sample launch article.

Pricing Chart

Paper or chain total weekly circulation: Pay as you go. (PayPal only).
Cost per issue:
13-Week Subscription.
Price per issue:
26-Week Subscription.
Price per issue:
52-Week Subscription.
Price per issue:
< 1,000 $12.00 $7.25 (Total $94.25) $6.25 (Total $162.50) $5.50 (Total $286.00)
< 2,500 $16.75 $11.75 (Total $152.75) $10.50 (Total $273.00) $8.75 (Total $455.00)
< 5,000 $20.75 $15.50 (Total $201.50) $13.50 (Total $351.00) $11.50 (Total $598.00)
< 10,000 $25.00 $19.50 (Total $253.50) $17.25 (Total $448.50) $14.50 (Total $754.00)
< 25,000 $32.50 $26.50 (Total $344.50) $23.50 (Total $611.00) $19.75 (Total $1,027.00)
< 50,000 $39.75 $33.25 (Total $432.25) $29.50 (Total $767.00) $24.75 (Total $1,287.00)
< 75,000 $44.75 $38.00 (Total $494.00) $33.50 (Total $871.00) $28.25 (Total $1,469.00)
< 100,000 $48.75 $41.75 (Total $542.75) $37.00 (Total $962.00) $31.25 (Total $1,625.00)

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Newspaper Fun Sample Launch Article